Status update (COVID19)

COVID 19 - Service Update, Tuesday 31st March 2020:

Following the closure of most of our supply chain, we have been forced to cease any new installation work or new deliveries until further notice.  Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a fixed date for when we will be able to restart these services, as we are not being offered one from our supply chain at the moment, but our hope is to be operational again sometime in May.  We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.      

We have retained the ability to remotely access and support our clients as we all work from home, indeed we have supported many of you this way already.  For those of you we have helped, we thank you for your understanding and help during the new much more ‘interactive’ process 😁

We know this is an extremely testing time for all of us and we thank you for bearing with us as we negotiate the next few months along with the rest of the country.  We know that the UK will bounce back from this stronger than ever and with the knowledge we all did the right thing when called upon to do so.

For now, from the whole Living team, we wish you and yours the very best. 

Please get in touch via if you need any help with existing set-ups.       

COVID 19 - Service Update, Monday 23rd March 2020:

In-line with updated government guidelines, we have now scaled back our service to include only remote support. We have taken these steps to protect you as well as our staff in these uncertain times.

Our biggest worry is that Covid 19 has a long period where a person can be asymptomatic, but still pass it on. This could mean our service engineers are busily going between households, solving one problem but sadly, could be leaving another behind. It is with heavy heart, yet a sound mind we have taken the decision to remove household visits until the end of April, when we will review the situation again.

We are continuing to work with our clients on 'site work', that is work that is being carried out on construction sites where there is no one resident. Whilst working on these sites, meticulous hygiene routines are observed along with with the use of PPE.

Our remote support is still available, in fact we have been meeting all morning (over Zoom) to see how we could add additional support using remote access. This will now include "video fault finding" and "video support" so that our clients can work with us to correct some minor faults that may occur. You never know, if you do a good job, we have a place for you after this is all over and done with! 😁

We are truly in uncharted territory, we are doing our absolute best for you, your loved ones and of course our staff and their families.

Stay safe. The Living Home Tech team.

The below information was current the week commencing Monday 16th March 2020

***The Below is now out of date***. We have kept this information available for clarity.

In light of the recent announcement by our government and our national COVID 19 response, we would like to notify our clients and wider community of how we are working with the ongoing situation.  

We will follow government guidelines and monitor and act upon any applicable developments. All service visits and site installation dates remain unaffected, with options in place for any of our clients in the "vulnerable" category (such as remote visits, and/or remote video calls if required).

We have the following procedures in place:

  • All engineers/consultants to respect the self isolation period if showing any of the symptoms. 

  • Clients are requested to notify our office of any if they have exhibited any of the symptoms before our scheduled visit. 

  • Cancellation fee will not be charged for late cancellations during this period.  

  • Increased hygiene routines for all staff inline with government guidelines.  

  • Remote meetings will take place where possible, this includes CPD, Design Meetings and Site Update Meetings. 

  • Office visits to be reduced and kept to a minimum.

  • An increase in the number of available technicians during this period, to allow for isolation periods.

We understand that during self isolation, that it is highly likely our control and AV systems will be extremely important to the sanity of our country, if you have any systems niggles at all, please let us know as soon as possible. 

We wish you and your loved ones the very best during these testing times. If you have any concerns or questions please don't hesitate to contact us. 

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