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Living Home Tech, Empowering Your Projects Across the Globe


As the world advances in technology, the construction industry must follow suit to keep up with the demands of today’s world. Living Home Tech is a leading technical consultant company in the Middle East, providing professional assistance to architects, large scale contractors and project managers, to ensure that each project is completed efficiently, on budget, and on time. Living Home Tech is owned by a team of experts, who possess extensive knowledge about the market and cutting-edge technological solutions, having now been in the industry for 20 years, amounting to 60 years experience between the 3 brothers alone! In this blog post, we will delve into some of the services provided by Living Home Tech and their importance in the construction industry.

Market-Leading Project Management

Living Home Tech services include market-leading project management services to ensure that your project is carried out seamlessly. Our team of experienced engineers and consultants will assist you from the initial planning stages to the final construction phase. Our approach is tailored to your specific needs, identifying potential risks and obstacles along the way and taking proactive measures to mitigate them. Our in-house software tools are designed to help us monitor and track the progress of your project, ensuring that we can keep you informed every step of the way.

Project Rescue

Sometimes, projects get off-track and it takes an expert to fix them. Living Home Tech offers project rescue services for those projects that are having difficulty meeting their objectives. Our team will work collaboratively with architects, contractors, and all stakeholders involved to rescue and restore the project to a successful completion.

Critical Path Planning

Living Home Tech provides critical path planning services to ensure your project is delivered on time and within budget. Our team will identify the critical path of your project, prioritize tasks and allocate resources, to help you meet your objectives. By understanding each task and the effort required, we can ensure that the project is efficiently managed, and milestones are met as planned.

Site Supervision and Inspection

Our team of site supervision and inspection will be present during the construction phase to ensure that all work is being carried out as per the plans and regulations. We carry out quality inspections, ensuring that everything is up to standard and meets the required specifications.

Technology Solutions

At Living Home Tech, we use the latest in engineering technology, including Revit, BIM and project management tools, to ensure we remain at the forefront of the market. We understand how technology can enhance the construction process, improving the accuracy and speed of communication, ultimately resulting in a more efficient build process than ever before.


Living Home Tech offers a range of services that are essential in today’s fast moving construction industry. They have a team of experts that will provide sound technical advice, ensure that your project is completed on time, within budget and to the highest standard. Contact Living Home Tech today to begin empowering your next project.

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